Web Search Settings
Safe Search
  • Strict Enables the strictest version of Safe Search.
    (You can lock this setting.)
  • Moderate Blocks pornography and other explicit sexual content.
  • Off Does not filter adult content from the search results.
This setting has been locked. Click here to unlock it.
Results per page
Choose how many results to display per page.
Open results in new window
When a search result is clicked on, open the web page in a new window.
Include knowledge panels
Supplement your search results with detailed knowledge panels, which contain additional information from Wikipedia and other websites.
Show autocomplete suggestions
Show autocomplete suggestions beneath the search box as you type.
Show “Install SearchScene” button above search results
Desktop and laptops only: if you haven't already installed our browser extension, we will show you a flashing button above the search results to prompt you to do so. You can switch this off here.
Homepage Wallpaper Settings
Show homepage scenery
Switch on to show background wallpaper images on the home page. Switch off to use the blank version of SearchScene for a Google-like minimalist look.
Use Full HD images
Switch on to use High Definition images on faster internet connections. Switch off to use lower resolution, Standard Definition images on slower internet connections.
Use Quad HD images
Desktop only. Switch on to use Quad HD images (2560 × 1440) for very high definition image quality on large desktop monitors and fast internet connections. Switch off to use lower resolution HD or SD images on smaller monitors or slower internet connections.
Auto-image zoom out
Slow zoom-in on wallpaper images when they appear
Note that more homepage settings are available by clicking on the gear icon at the top of the homepage.
Privacy Settings
Show social media share icons on homepage
Our social media share icons (and associated code) only appear on our homepage and so never reveal your search terms to a social networking site.
Show Wikipedia popups
On desktop computers and laptops only, we show you a popup from Wikipedia when you hover your mouse pointer over links in our knowledge panels.
Play videos on SearchScene
Choose whether you want to be able to play any videos directly on SearchScene or leave for the third-party site.
Play videos on hover
On desktop computers and laptops only: choose whether to play a video snippet when you hover your mouse pointer over a video.
Embed Google Maps
For location-based searches, choose whether you want an interactive Google map embedded into the knowledge panel.
Map provider for “Maps” link
Within our navbar at the top of each page, we give you a quick link to a map provider. You can make your choice here.

Safe Search Lock is a parental control setting that makes SearchScene safer for kids, whether at home or at school. It can also be used on public-facing computers, such as libraries, etc. The Safe Search Lock does the following…

  1. It sets and locks the Safe Search setting to “Strict”, which means that no adult content or explicit images or videos will be shown in the search results.
  2. It removes the Safe Search setting from the search results pages, so that it is not obvious to children or other users that an alternate setting even exists.
Limitations (click to expand)
  1. The Safe Search Lock is not a substitute for proper supervision of your child or student on the internet. We recommend that children use the family computer in a communal setting and that children are properly educated on the dangers of using the internet in advance. Young children should always be supervised whilst online.
  2. No filter is 100% perfect. That said, enabling Safe Search Lock will help to ensure that your children are not exposed to adult material or violent material whilst online.
  3. The password you set is stored on your device. Clearing your browser's cookies and local storage will erase the password. As such, an older child with some knowledge and determination may be able to erase the password and unlock Safe Search.
  4. Safe Search Lock is specific to the SearchScene search engine. It has no effect on other websites or search engines being accessed via your browser and has no effect on other external applications, such as the YouTube app, Facebook app, etc.
  5. If using the SearchScene iOS or Android app on your phone or tablet, this setting will not prevent your child from accessing adult material on that phone or tablet. This setting only affects the search results displayed by the SearchScene.com search engine. Please see below.
  6. There is nothing stopping a child from navigating to a different search engine and executing a search from there.
  7. There is nothing stopping a child from accessing an adult site by typing its URL directly into your browser's URL bar.
  8. This setting needs to be set on each computer and for each browser (and for each browser profile) where SearchScene is being used.

If your children or students are using SearchScene, then it is our recommendation that the Safe Search Lock be used in conjunction with some parental software such as NetNanny or Cybersitter.

Set a password to lock down Safe Search in Strict mode:
Set a password:
Must be between 5-12 characters. Case-sensitive. Keep it somewhere safe!
Re-enter your password:
Passwords do not match
Please re-enter your password
Safe Search enabled
Enter your password to unlock:
Your password can be removed by clearing your cookies and localStorage for SearchScene. See our FAQ for more information.
Restore Defaults
Dark Mode

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